Sustainability at Heritage - planet and partnerships

We at Heritage, we believe that sustainability is all about 3Ps – Partnerships, Planet and Profit. These all are close to our heart of what we do and we embrace them with great care, passion and positive spirit. Beginning from our own organic farms and plantations, we maintain the best industry practices; insisting on delivering all natural, 100% organic produce to our customers. This is a practice which we have proudly mastered and are now sharing with our 100+ partners to ensure that innovation never takes a break both within and outside the confines of our farms and our suppliers.

This pursuit of perfection instilled deeply within each of our employees drives a strong responsibility to deliver the highest quality and product excellence in manufacturing capabilities. While preserving the planet that supports our very existence, and fostering strong ties with people around us, we make sustainable practices a major part of our core operations – this is evidenced by our wide-ranging commitment to deliver consumer-centric products to the world. We value the partnerships we create with our employees, and strive to uplift and enhance their way of life in all we do.


We work closely with the farmers and have longstanding relationships with our farming communities to obtain the best yields and to continuously keep them educated on updated agricultural techniques.


We work closely with a wider range of suppliers who help us to provide the best quality and on time delivery and also in return support their upliftment.


We take good care of our employees and uplifts their working standards as well as continuously motivate them in the tasks they are assigned to perform.


We are conscious about what we give back to our environment. Our sustainability practices includes waste water management systems, solar power, and a paperless environment.


We continuously innovate and aims to provide economically viable product solutions through R&D and help create a positive impact in the markets we service worldwide.

Recently, we have introduced our newest sustainability platform ‘Heritage Foundation’. his covers all 3Ps – partnerships, planet and profit. Heritage Foundation is a true depiction of the commitment we make towards People, Planet and Profit. Heritage Foundation will be our sustainability platform that will help connect people and planet through the products we produce and the work that we do.

Blue representing People, is the biggest resource we consider at Heritage – we create jobs and empower the livelihoods of people. Green representing Nature, is what we give back to the planet with the balanced objective of generating profit. 1% of profit after tax generated is allocated towards the Heritage Foundation and its sustainability initiatives towards the wider community.

Heritage Foundation is our newest sustainability platform created covering the 3Ps partnerships, planet and profit. Heritage Foundation is a true depiction of the commitment we make towards People, Planet and Profit. Heritage Foundation will be our sustainability platform that will help connect people and planet through the products we produce and the work that we do.

Blue representing People, is the biggest resource we consider at Heritage – we create jobs and empower the livelihoods of people. Green representing Nature, is what we give back to the planet with the balanced objective of generating profit. 1% of profit after tax generated is allocated towards the Heritage Foundation and its sustainability initiatives towards the wider community

Contributing to the UN sustainable development goals

We are truly passionate about in driving sustainability as part of our culture within the organization. The sustainability goals defined is as per the goals defined out of the 17 and set on Sustainable Development by the United Nations and the 8 goals that we comply with. Our Sustainability agenda that we do is directly linked to the core of the business with being socially conscious and net zero. We are committed in sticking to these sustainability goals and making a meaningful and a lasting sustainable change

Partnerships (people)

Our strong ties we create through partnerships that we create with our own people, are the most reliable asset that Heritage has over time. Over 80% of the workforce consists of women and more than 50% of the contribution to profit is made through women to Heritage day to day operations. We help an entire village to enjoy and have the privilege of enjoying employment opportunities through our business.

People are empowered across the value chain from growers, farmers, buyers, suppliers and consumers to deliver the best freshness from all the produce. The management team also consists of more than 80% employment in women while at board level there is equal participation on decision making rights. 

Did you know

80% of our workforce consists of women who help their families financially
More than 50% contribution to profit made through women
Empowers women leaders among the community
Equal decision making rights with 2:2 participation at board level from women

This is our flagship women empowerment programme offering benefits to the women labour workforce financially, mentally and physically. We understand that giving empowerment to the women who helps create a better home is important. All initiatives and programs done under ‘Heritge Diriliya’ will be part of their personality development as well as financial enrichment and well-being.

Heritage Harasara is the platform that helps empower all people working in Heritage through our people oriented initiatives within the organization. Every person working in the team is constantly empowered to do new things and to encourage engagement as a team.

Making a promise with every product we sell

We are here to make a promise with every healthy, gluten free product that we give to our consumers worldwide. We provide healthy food options which makes your health and wellness journey worthwhile. Logo placement on all 100% healthy products ‘Making the world a healthy place’ followed with our overall brand vision.

We help preserve the planet that supports our very existence, and it’s a major part of our sustainability operations.  Making a greener future together is what we believe in doing and making it all worthwhile in giving back to the environment that we live in.

‘Plant a Life’ project

Over 100 coconut and other trees have been grown in the headquarter premises as part of our responsibility to the planet. These grown trees will neutralize the carbon emissions made. These trees planted will also yield produce for future generations over the years.

Carbon footprint

Reducing carbon emissions and becoming carbon neutral by 2030 is alongside our business purpose. 100% renewable energy through solar power generation is equipped at the factory premises.

Energy and waste management

Energy management is conducted appropriately with the solar panel system that is equipped at the headquarters in Katana, Sri Lanka. All staff and employees are educated in energy saving initiatives. Waste management is done appropriately where waste water is recycled and used at watering trees.

Clean water and sanitation

Clean water is used during the production, and our automated filling line of virgin coconut oil ensures that it is properly cleaned and sanitized before use – and ensures contamination is reduced with minimal human interaction. In addition, adequate training and spot checks are provided as part of personal hygiene for workers and in improving quality measures internally.